Friday, March 18, 2011

We love without reason, and without reason we hate.

"Truth only means something when it's hard to admit."

Bored to my wits now. :(  So... I've found some very awesome reasons for some absolute cool topics. *winks.*

3 reasons why gay marriage should be legal?
- There's nothing wrong about being in love and being loved, when 2 lovebirds are truly, madly, deeply in love, it doesn't matter anymore about genders, right? 
- Won't you get bored as it's always female and male, walking down the aisle together? Like duh! Don't you wanna get some ideas on how great it would be like a guy being the groom and the other guy being a bride?
- Love has no rights or wrongs.

Haha, so how was it? That's the 3 reasons why i thought gay marriage should be legal. :) There's more!

Look at this site, which it's more like a forum, discussing about "Why are Indian people so smelly?" No offence, it's not stating about any racism or whatsoever not. But rather, it's just like a site sharing and talking about how people feel about Indians. :)

I'm sharing here right now was, to me, Indians ain't smelly. It's not like they have some BO. But it's just basically what they eat and whenever you walked pass one Indian lady, a freaking weird smell would be coming out mostly from their hair. They tend to put some kinda oil on their hair to soften it or make them looks shiny. The reason why Indian smells was because of all these. It's not like they wanted to smell bad, but maybe they were born like this and follow some traditional rules. We should really try to accept everyone, it would make this world a better one, really. :)
So fuck yea, i can't imagine myself typing all these out! 

So this would be the last thing i wanna post. I promise myself that i will try to post more interesting posts, for all my previous posts, are goddamn boring! :( Look below, it's about how and what you should do when you've occur a breakout! It's such a worst nightmare when you've had just one pimple on your face, it seriously looks bad. And you will start to hate yourself, hate your face, kept on complaining to whoever about that freaking pimple of yours and whatsoever not. But don't worry, it's natural. Everyone will have their very own pimple in life, it doesn't only happens on you, really. :)

Here are 7 safe ways to get rid of pimples!
1. Don't squeeze your pimples! It will only tend to become more red and will spread the bacteria and dirty oil to other part of your face, may even leave scars around. 
2. If you are those sort, who tends to squeeze it (like me), then at every 30 minutes, apply a icepack to the pimple and hold it there for about 2 minutes. Doing this will help decrease the pain and redness. 
3. Heard of concealer? Yes! Use that to cover your pimples not too much, but a little so it won't look so obvious that you're having a pimple and it's also useful when you're in a hurry and also helps to cover that oily shine. For me, i used BB Cream (there's more minerals in it, suitable for any ages as it's some kinda age-rewinding form of cream), it's way better then using Concealer, cause it tends to damage a youth's skin more easily and will lead to more breakouts often.
4. This would be the most important of all, and that is, always keep your skin clean! Cleanse your face about 2-3 times a day, use mild, unscented or just any face cleaner that has no harsh chemical. Keeping our face clean is important, imagine leaving dirts on our face 24 hours, without washing it? Gross much! For me, i used a Nature Tea-Tree Foaming Soap, it not only can cleanse my face and also remove oil from my face. I'm suffering from oiliness from my face! Especially my nose, and what i can do is to maintain the form i'm doing now. Remember, if you wanna be pretty, don't be lazy! 
5. Apply some pimple cream if you happened to have one very big pimple, try using Aloe Vera as it's real good for our skin. It helps cool down redness and swellness too!
6. If you happened to be addicted on wearing make-ups, try to wear oil-free make-up whenever possible. So that once your face has got oil around it, it won't smudge the make-ups, it will only lead to breakouts and you yourself won't look good as well. Make-up remover is also very important. Try to get those that's not harsh, gentle and mild would be the best. Whenever removing make-ups, please remember to wipe it off real clean, leaving make-ups on will only lead to more pimples and worst, acne! 
7. Drink plenty of water, don't feel too stress, especially girls, we'll tend be have breakouts when we're having our periods. So just rest well and chill. Hydrate your body with fluid to keep cool and also keep out of titbits! So always note, must not be lazy if you wanna be handsome or beautiful. :) I hope this helps, teeheez!

I've typed such a long one. I shall come back posting tomorrow. School's starting in about 2 days time. And i shall spend tomorrow's time shopping! Okay, stay tune for more. Bye readers!

A best friend is like a four-leaf clover, hard to find but lucky to have.

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