Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Put a condom over your heart and fuck your feelings.

- I didn't change, i only stop acting the way you think how i am actually.

Hello readers. That picture above, damn sweet plus sweet plus ultra sweet and cute ain't it?!?! *say yes or die!* Haha kidding. Hmm i'll be sleeping in 15 minutes time. Fuck Kayak :( It's a must to capsize?!?! Wtf is this. Hmm i scared i'll get rashes though i'm not allergy to the ocean. But, i'm afraid that it'll be way too x100 damn dirty till i don't dare swim around. LOL. Okay that's random. Hmm nothing much, let's rock the party tomorrow. Doomsday, fuck certificate :( Gosh. Look down! :)
Okay so yeah, that's Kayak ^. Btw it's not double, it's a individual boat. Aww how i missed Ubin camp. At least can row with partner. Plus my partner's a pro one :) But NOW, gosh dead plus dead. All the best to everyone tomorrow, tata. Love you, xoxo

(Pictures by Tumblr & Google.)

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