Monday, May 16, 2011

I'm not how you thought i should be. I'm one of a kind, treat me right and i'll treat you even more better.

- I don't blame anything, i blamed myself for creating this mess which i didn't even create in the first place.

Hi readers, i wanna wish myself a Happy 14th Birthday first :) I wanna fulfill my wishes like seriously. Fucking graduate from this school especially. Headed to Swensens just now with relatives plus mom and bro. Enjoyed myself :) Thanks all for the birthday wishes in Facebook and also the gifts that my friends gave. Appreciate it very much :) Things happened lately, but i don't wish to elaborate already. Since everybody make it to a point, that's that. I've uploaded the chalet photos up in Facebook already. Hehehe okay i'm sleepy. Gonna go and watch Fairy Tail now, relieved away the unhappiness right? :) 2H15M more, birthday over soon. I've some problems but still, i'm happy then i'm fine with it. Okay that's all, byebye readers, xoxo

-If you think that i've treated you as if you don't exist. I want you to hate me forever plus eternity then :) 

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