Saturday, March 12, 2011

It's either we live as one or die as one.


Hi readers, i'm back! Miss me? 3D2N camp in Ubin was awesome. Luckily i've managed to swept some negative thoughts in my mind and enjoy myself like there's no tomorrow! Wanna check some pictures of Ubin out? Go to my Facebook profile then, do enjoy! K, so above was some pictures that's over-dued. Hehe, there's many unglam shots. But i found it awesome k, bhb! Alright, so here i am, gonna elaborate about this Sec 2 camp that i've went. 

First day: Morning, headed to school taking cab as bus was either too late or too full. Inside the cab, saw Asley, Cedric and Edmund walking towards busstop, and me, Lyn and Ger was like, omfg wth?! Shouted their names but they didn't heard it, so oh well, nevermind. Reached school, saw Suraini and she was like saying this, "finally come school early eh?" Hm, wtf much? Even if we were late many times, we didn't even gotten a pink slip though, so why she gotta give us that fucking attitude? Went to hall and after awhile had briefing about what to do when we reached Ubin. My mp4 got confiscate, effing pissed much. But er, whatever. :( One of the reasons, i seriously hate bagchecks, teachers would start giving you those nbcb attitudes and what's worse. Dio gan by Suraini cause didn't give meet-the-parents' form. She should have come asking me about it on Tuesday, and not Wednesday. Shouted me and Lyn infront of so many people somemore, can i give her some tape to tape on? -.- So was like, whole class lined up and headed down to take the shelter bus all the way to Changi Jetty. Then, took the boat and there we go, to Ubin. Awesome feeling there when siting the boat, yea i love it! :D Reached there was like super damn hot and the atmosphere was super awkward. And then followed the instructors there to the big court and everyone assembled there. Applied sunblock, insect repellent and everything there, the sun was super hot for the first day, no one knew it would rain non-stop and continuosly. -.- Had been raining for 3 whole days yea. So minutes passed, teachers took our attendence and we were seperated to different groups. I'm in 2B while Lyn is in 2A. At first was like fucking pissed off by the teachers, cos we wanna changed groups but you know, they confirm will shout at us. So Lyn changed group on the sly and eventually got shouted. Yea, wth right? So returned to the campsite and fixed our tents, put in our stuffs and went to cycle on paths that's uneven and hard to ride. I love mountain bikes cos it's awesome. The tyres wouldn't punctured so easily even if there's so many rocks lying on the ground. Kinda scary at first cos you might fall anytime as too many people was cycling on the same time, people might go silent stop at any moment, which i was pissed off at. Some express guys doesn't seem to know how to ride bike, they seriously deserve to gnd. -.- Then was raining with small droplets coming down from the sky, and then the instructor told us to ride back afap. But too bad, it's been raining non-stop and the rain wasn't big. One weird thing is, it has been raining small little droplets non-stop for 3 whole days. Imagine that? After that headed back to camp site and did field cooking, had Campbell Chicken soup and Chicken Hamburger. Was really disgusting as there's sand, insects all over the place. Gross much but left with no choice, we still have to eat. :) And yea, that's our lunch. Did normal pioneering next, it's all about tying wooden poles together and make either chairs, shoe racks or towel hangers. It's boring as we were all too tired to even think of something to do. I found express pupils all so hardworking. |: After that waited for 2A students to come back and off to bathe. We didn't bathe in toilets, guess what. We bathe in normal cubicles covered by rags and shower curtains. With metal poles hanging around to form something named "cubicles." It was scary much as there's holes around and you need help from your friends, asking them to help you cover here and there. Opps, but quite cute. And the water system is limited as well. We used Ice Mountain water and bathe, awesome? Hahaha! :) After that headed back to camp site and had dinner in the big tentage. So yea, after that went back to our own tent which actually there's me, Lyn, Jade and Sienmun sleeping together. But then we were real bored so we went to the guys tent that's strictly not allowed. And the problem is, they didn't even mentioned there's this rule so who cares? But then in the end, Jade and Sienmun got suspended the next day, and went back home. Lyn and me was given a chance, one more time and we would be suspend as well. Then went to toilet with friends, brushed teeth, headed back to tent and sleep!

Second day: Hm, so was like i don't feel like waking up. Cos seriously damn tired and i enjoyed sleeping in the tent alot. Hah, i don't know why. I would prefer lying in the tent and don't let anyone find me. I love peace k. Whatsmore all the mud will be splatting on your feet and so whenever you come into the tent, you have to wipe clean. Troublesome much so yea, i would rather stay inside the tent and play! Second day, brushed our teeth near the grass there. Cos we don't have time to go to the fucking toilet and do so. Need to walk about 10 minutes to reach there, so yea, what would happened if you wanna do your business so badly?! And the water there ain't clean as well, smelly like fuck especially when we gotta wash the utentsils. The smell of rotting metal, imagine? And don't freak out, cos the colour is brown! Kay, after that did pioneering again. This time, isn't using small wooden poles but big and large ones. Super heavy youmeiyou. Sad for Mingsheng and Javier, got severe punishment as they didn't put in much effort in it. Then had lunch and after next, went for some exploring and tracking. Walked in the rain for 2 hours or more, imagine how tiring you are and yet you still had to walk in the cold wind facing each and every droplet dripping down to your skin. It's really cold and you might get dehydration any moment. Then went back to campsite with my group, waiting for 2A people as they haven't came back. So yea, went into the tent myself and packed the stuffs. Too bad Sienmun and Jade had been sent home. I feel so damn lonely alright. :( After that went to eat dinner and then bathe. It's damn cold on the second day. Like a tired and shag only.

Last day: Was getting excited as it's the last day in Ubin already. How i wished i could get home asap, i wished i could fly back home! Morning was cold and tired like fag, totally. Overslept and heard lots of people shouting outside the tent, it was just too noisy. I heard noises as we gotta wake up for Kayaking already. But without an alarm clock or something, i tend to be lazy to wake up. So quickly changed to a dry-fit clothing and brushed teeth, packed stuffs and so on. Ate breakfast and get ready for Kayak. At first i didn't know who to partner with as there's only me for the girls in 2a3. I didn't thought of partnering express girls, but yea in the end i did. But i seriously don't mind anymore, i just don't wanna be alone. And i can't possibly kept on paring with the boys, true? Kayak was fun and awesome, i wished i could try other water activities again! Yea, Ubin ftw only. Hahaha this post is so damn freaking long that i don't even know what i'm typing. Then rinse myself of with water as the seawater is damn salty as well sand are everywhere! We might get capsized easily but you really gotta know how to control yourself if you don't want to get capsized. :) Then had Nature Discovery. Sat van all the way to Chek Jawa, if walk there by foot, at least a 3km or so. Kinda far but i like the bumpy rides when we are siting in the van. Like a awesome only. :) Chek Jawa is beautiful actually. Wanting to see Barnacles and stuffs but too bad, high tide over there. Fuck only! Why can't we swap our timing with 2A. Like in the morning we go for Nature Discovery and then afternoon Kayaking. 2B always gets the worst timing ever. -.- Took some pictures also in Chek Jawa, remember to check them out in my profile okay! So after that, went to assembled with others and Ms Tng brief us for our overall behaviour for the camp. Glad to see that everything is successful, thank god for blessing everyone arriving home safe and soul. :) 

Let's pray and hope for a better tomorrow.

This is for all the countries getting affected by the Earthquake, especially for Japan! I'm not any Christian but a Buddhist, but i would also like to pray for all the countries suffering now. We can all pray so long as we are sincere about it, and i'm sure God would hear us. So yea, let's pray. Not only Japan got struck by the Quake, but also Tsunami. R.I.P for all those people who didn't managed to survived in this tragedy. May you guys rest in peace. God, please let those casualties recover fast. And please, may this be the last disaster ever again on Earth. We don't know what may happened tomorrow, what we could do is just to pray and hope for a better tomorrow. This world is coming to an end, but if we don't want to, let's just hope that everything would be fine. Every single soul can managed to survive this frightening tragedy together. 413 people are confirmed dead, 784 missing, and 1128 people injured so far. God please bless the 784 people could be found asap and the 1128 to recover asap as well. We will be here praying and hoping for the best to all the mankind of Japan and also other countries badly affected by it. Let our hearts go all out as one for we don't know what might happened next. This world is soon going to be destroyed, cherish whatever you have now before it's too late, people. May God bless every soul. Amen. 

When the gods wants to punish us, they will answer to our prayers.

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